Last online: 4 years ago
Title | Progress | Comment | |
Hyper V-Ball | 100% | Iron Fangs Hyper League ...Iron Fangs Hyper League Hard/1-set/10 *Paused. (End credit.) | |
Legend Of Zelda - Parallel Worlds | 5% | Receives Shield and Swor...Receives Shield and Sword from uncle in the interrogation room at the guardhouse. | |
Front Mission 2 - Gun Hazard | 20% | Cenktrich Area, 3rd miss...Cenktrich Area, 3rd mission. | |
Doukyuusei 2 | 4% | Passed Prologue. First d...Passed Prologue. First day of Summer Break in the living room with Misako (Ryunosuke's stepmother. He's living with her and step-sister Yui [Hardest girl to get in the game because Ryunosuke was almost never interested in her.] after your father passed away.) | |
Aladdin | 99% | Final Battle with Jafar. | |
Columns | 16% | Paused at 4th clearance. | |
Columns | 12% | Paused at 3rd clearance. | |
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to The Past | 95% | The Chris Houlihan secre...The Chris Houlihan secret room. | |
Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled Valkyrie | 42% | Stage 3 Boss on hard usi...Stage 3 Boss on hard using Max with Nujadl-5 (Full powers/health). | |
Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled Valkyrie | 27% | Stage 2 Boss on hard usi...Stage 2 Boss on hard using Max with Nujadl-5 (Full powers/health). | |
World League Soccer | 100% | League Match Final playi...League Match Final playing as United States (13-0 record) on the rare criss-cross field. | |
World League Soccer | 100% | World Cup Final half-tim...World Cup Final half-time playing as the former Yugoslavia with final BGM. | |
Super Mario World | 25% | Paused at World 2 Castle...Paused at World 2 Castle with Blue Yoshi. All of the Star Roads are connected and Top Secret Area opened. | |
Knights of the Round | 99% | Final boss fight on hard...Final boss fight on hard level. | |
Alcahest | 15% | Stage 1 boss. | |
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons | 100% | Pietro Conti's endi...Pietro Conti's ending. (Just enter the building with the blue symbol to watch the ending or continue to play though it's been fully explored. As long as you don't enter that building, the game will not end.) | |
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons | 2% | Playing as the Dutch geo...Playing as the Dutch geographer with kick start: 41 ingots gold with 50 ingots in the bank, Theodolite, Telescope, Pocket Watch and Xebac ship. | |
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons | 2% | Playing as the Italian a...Playing as the Italian adventurer; Kick starts with a Venetian Galeass and 44 gold ingot with maxed luck. (On the previous save, the Duchess wiped out the money in the bank when she paid off the debts. Big Glitch. XD) | |
Magic Knight Rayearth | 70% | Chapter 3 final: Temple ...Chapter 3 final: Temple of Fire | |
Magic Knight Rayearth | 25% | Chapter 2 final: Sping o...Chapter 2 final: Sping of Eterna |