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Prehistoric Chapter: Face KingMammoth:
Watch the scene with Gori and the female monkeys, then get him back in your party at the Kuu Tribe caves. Look for KingMammoth in the field where Gori and Pogo were first exiled to. Sniffing may show a running mammoth instead of a deer. Win the fight to earn the KingFang.

Prehistoric Chapter: Rock:
Watch the scene with Gori and the female monkeys, then get him back in your party at the Kuu Tribe caves. Search the field where Gori and Pogo were first exiled to find a rock that resembles a face near the upper right cave. Press A exactly 100 and a cave will open. Offer a bone to the tablet inside.

Present Chapter: Get Daigekido technique early:
Fight Jackie Yowkeya and bring down his HP. Use Armlock and C.H. Hold on him and stand one or two squares away. Eventually he will use the Daigekido technique.

Science Fiction Chapter: Saving on ''Captain Square'':
After Kirk dies, go in his room. Use the terminal and enter the password "Warp". Search under his bed to get the MemoryCard item. If used, you do not have to start Captain Square over each time.

Wild West Chapter: True ending:
Defeat O.Dio and fight Mad Dog. You have the option to run. Do so successfully and Mad Dog will walk away. You will then battle him again after the credits.