The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock

Level two with thirty lives:
Enter the following password:

Left arrow, Left arrow, Barrel down, Gold nugget, Cake
Right arrow
, #3 Egg, Gold nugget, Soda, #3 Egg
Left arrow
, Left arrow, Left arrow, #1 Egg, Cake

Level three with fifty lives:
Enter the following password:

Cake, #2 Egg, Left arrow, Barrel down, Bowling ball
, Soda, Gray Heart, Right arrow, Barrel up
Left arrow
, Gray Heart, Cake, Bowling ball, Bowling ball

Level four with sixty-four lives:
Enter the following password:

Star, Barrel down, Barrel down, Left arrow, Soda
#3 Egg
, #3 Egg, Cake, Cake, Sun
, #3 Egg, Right arrow, Star, Gold nugget

Level five with eighty lives:
Enter the following password:

Soda, Cake, Gray Heart, Left arrow, Cake
#1 Egg
, #3 Egg, Star, Barrel down, Star
Barrel up
, Sun, Gold nugget, Star, Barrel up